Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whats the difference between hardees and carls jr?

i live in the west coast were there is carls jr but i am wondering what the names of the combos are at the east coast hardees, in the west coast we have super stars and western cheese burgers and of course the six dollar burgers which are huge and in some locations theres the green burritoWhats the difference between hardees and carls jr?
on the west coast its carls jr and on the east coast its hardees

same with dyers ice cream on the west coast but on the east coast its edys. its the samee thing.

they only have green burtioe in the so cal area i belive.

they dont have them on the east coast.Whats the difference between hardees and carls jr?
They are the same company just under different brad names kinda like Edy's and Dryers same ice cream just different packaging to appeal better to different markets.Whats the difference between hardees and carls jr?
I think they're the same, they just have different names on different ends of the country lol. I was just in California this month and they were all Carls Jrs but I live in the east so here they're all Hardee's.

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