Thursday, February 23, 2012

What is a good gamer tag for a girl?

I am getting an xbox tomorrow, and I am having trouble thinking of a gamer tag. I have tried gamertag generators and cant find anything that strikes my interest. Any suggestions would be helpful!What is a good gamer tag for a girl?Depends on whether you're willing to accept being harassed or not. If you have your name somehow bluntly state that you're a girl, you'll be harassed and hit on. Sure the hitting on part doesnt seem that bad, except in the gaming world it's considered skanky to accept every friend request from people whose only interest in you is because you're female.

It would have been helpful if you had listed words or nicknames for yourself instead of just saying give me names. If you had given us a favorite color, a lifestyle like emo or prep, a genre of music...something other than just asking for suggestions would have helped since I would guess you don't want a generic and over-used name.

Whatever you do, DO NOT NAME YOURSELF ANY THING WITH GAMER GIRL IN IT. It's tacky and completely overused by females who aren't even good enough to consider themselves gamers.

The only thing I have to work with is your Yahoo name, so I'll go from there

Sanctify Nine

Sanctuary Child

Sanctus Nox (latin for sacred night)

Concordia Discors (Harmony in Discord, Latin again)

I dont know. If you can edit with details, I;d be happy to help as I'm creative with stuff like this, but we need to work with to help you.What is a good gamer tag for a girl?GamerGirl(then year you were born)

-hope this helps if you put your gamer tag as that ill be your first friend ill tell you if its me sending you a friend request.

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