Monday, February 20, 2012

Noob FPS gamer! Can I get some tips and advice on how to shoot better?

I've actually never played a FPS game before until today when I picked up a copy of Killzone 2. I know I just need more practice, but what are some tips for shooting? I find that I'm missing a lot of the time because I don't aim (move the right analog stick) fast enough. Thanks!Noob FPS gamer! Can I get some tips and advice on how to shoot better?Try lowering (or raising) the look sensitivity in the controller options menu. A comfortable setting is 3. It takes SO much practice to be good at FPS's. I've been playing COD for a little over a year and I'm still not very good. Just don't get discouraged and remember, its a game and your playing it for FUN!Noob FPS gamer! Can I get some tips and advice on how to shoot better?
First off, switch to Xbox 360, not only is your info not going to be compromised in a shitty online experience but the controller is a hell of a lot more comfortable and works MUCH better with FPSes.. I'd increase the sensitivity, see if that helps.Noob FPS gamer! Can I get some tips and advice on how to shoot better?Try raising the sensitivity. I play halo's on 10 and cod on 7-8. get yourself more used to the ps3 controller by playing campaign (beat it on the hardest difficulty, it will prepare you the best for multiplayer.)Noob FPS gamer! Can I get some tips and advice on how to shoot better?
look at other video games. fpses are grossly overrated and CoD has ruined the industry for all genres. If ME3 is ruined because of ADHD shooter gamers i will kill someone.Noob FPS gamer! Can I get some tips and advice on how to shoot better?In the words of the great Justin Beiber "NEVER SAY NEVER!"

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